slide 1 of 3 CRYO-ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Thermo Fisher Scientific is changing the way people perform scientific research in a big way. Our groundbreaking Cryo-Electron Microscopy devices have helped spark a new era in biochemistry and their use has contributed to one of our clients winning the Nobel Prize in 2017. BIOMARKER ASSAYS Thermo Fisher Scientific holds the distinguished honor of creating the first FDA-approved biomarker assays for Sepsis. Within 20 minutes, healthcare workers can have the information they need to make critical, life-saving decisions. BLOOD-BASED ALLERGY TEST Our brilliant team created the first FDA-approved in vitro specific IgE allergy test. This breakthrough gives clinicians simultaneous results for hundreds of allergen sources in a much smaller sample size. Giving parents critical understanding of their children’s allergen causes like food allergies.